Wednesday, November 24, 2010

NOAA BP (NYSE:BP) Gulf Oil Report Confirmed as Accurate

All the hoopla by the so-called scientists over the initial report concerning the dispersal of the oil in the Gulf from the BP (NYSE:BP) accident was found to be unfounded and unjustified, as a "peer-reviewed" report has confirmed the original assertions that 75 percent of the oil had indeed been dispersed by a variety of means.

So the question goes back to the faux outrage and why it was generated in the first place.

It seems it was just a bunch of blowhards whining because they weren't invited to the party. I wonder how much these universities and scientists received by being involved with the peer review process?

A number of reports of oil floating around the Gulf continue to be made, all of which have been unproven so far. So the question is if far more oil has been dispersed than even originally thought.

That of course would relate to time going by and more being consumed by microbes - especially.

Now let the big-mouth scientists who said the original conclusions of NOAA were too optimistic. They're running for cover or attempting to change the narrative in order to justify their uncontrolled, and very unscientific, emotions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find the big-mouth scientists are now back at the University of East Anglia cooking up some more Global Warming conspiracies... the ones that weren't working for Exxon Mobil that is!