Friday, January 14, 2011

Aviat Networks (NASDAQ:AVNW) Looks Good on Old, New

Focus on their existing platform Eclipse, along with building out a new platform, along with the old management team returning to jumpstart the company, Brigatine likes the direction Aviat Networks (NASDAQ:AVNW) is taking.

Brigantine says, "Yesterday's (Wednesday) presentation at a competitor's investment conference leaves us thinking Aviat remains steady on its new track: developing new, cost reduced, multi-feature network centric products for its existing Eclipse platform while committing resources not before available in building a new platform we expect to be introduced later this fiscal year. Meanwhile, since the new (but old) management team returned to run the company last summer, Aviat has introduced product-line extensions that are attracting customers' attention. We see Aviat continuing to make progress on the goals the team had set for the company upon re-assuming the reins last year."

Brigantine Advisors maintains a "Buy" rating on Aviat Networks, which closed Thursday at $5.43, down $0.07, or 1.32 percent. Brigantine has a price target on Aviat of $6 a share.

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