Thursday, January 27, 2011

Super Micro Computer's (NASDAQ:SMCI) Macro Continues to Improve

Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) continues to take share as it grows quicker than the server market, as its macro improves.

Needham says, "SMCI sees strong customer interest in its approach from segments including server farms, certain verticals with complex computing requirements and OEMs. SMCI is benefiting from improving macro, Nehalem based server refresh, and other new product launches. It is targeting operating model of 9-12% (vs. 7.8% in F2Q). SMCI is growing significantly faster than server market while also taking share."

Needham & Company reiterates a "Buy" rating on Super Micro Computer (SMCI), which closed Wednesday at $13.64, gaining $0.61, or 4.68 percent. Needham raised their price target on Super Mircro from $17 to $18.

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