Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Coverage on (STX) (TJX) (TZYM) (WDC) Initiated

Coverage on shares of Seagate (NYSE: STX), TJX Companies Inc (NYSE: TJX), Tranzyme Inc (NASDAQ: TZYM) and Western Digital (NYSE: WDC) was initiated by analysts.

Auriga initiated coverage on Seagate (STX). They placed a “buy” rating and a price target of $29.00 on the company.

UBS AG (NYSE:UBS) initiated coverage on shares of TJX Companies Inc (NYSE: TJX). They placed a “buy” rating and a price target of $63.00 on the company.

Citigroup (NYSE:C) initiated coverage on Tranzyme Inc (TZYM). They placed a “buy” rating and a price target of $7.00 on the company.

Auriga initiated coverage on Western Digital (WDC). They placed a “buy” rating and a price target of $51.00 on the company.

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