Monday, May 2, 2011

EPS Est. on (ATHN) (CVH) (EMN) (GT) Raised

AthenaHealth (NASDAQ: ATHN), Coventry Health Care, Inc. (NYSE: CVH), Eastman Chemical Co (NYSE: EMN) and Goodyear (NYSE: GT) get EPS estimates raised today.

Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) raised their EPS estimate on AthenaHealth (ATHN). They have a “neutral” rating and a price target of $47.00 on the company.

Goldman Sachs raised their EPS estimate on Coventry Health Care, Inc. (CVH). They have a “neutral” rating and a price target of $38.00 on the company.

Bank of America (NYSE:BAC) raised their EPS estimate on Eastman Chemical Co (EMN). They have a “buy” rating and a price target of $128.00 on the company.

Goldman Sachs raised their EPS estimate on Goodyear (GT). They now have a “neutral” rating and a price target of $20.00 on the company.

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