Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ratings on (AMZN) (BA) (BEXP) (CRNT) (CSA) Reiterated

Ratings on, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN), Boeing Company (NYSE: BA), Brigham Exploration (NASDAQ: BEXP), Ceragon Networks Ltd. (NASDAQ: CRNT) and Cogdell Spencer Inc (NYSE: CSA) reiterated by analysts.

Benchmark Co. placed a price target of $212.00 on, Inc. (AMZN). They have a “buy” rating on the company.

EarlyBird Capital reiterated a “buy” rating on The Boeing Company (BA). They have a price target of $90.00 on the company.

BMC Equities Research reiterated a “buy” rating on Cogdell Spencer Inc (CSA). They have a price target of $19.00 on the company.

Global Hunter Securities reiterated an “accumulate” rating on Brigham Exploration (BEXP).

Hudson Securities reiterated a “buy” rating on Ceragon Networks Ltd. (CRNT).

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